The Peoples' Theocratic Republic of EUROPA JUPITER II

Jurisdiction: New Micronation/Country/Legal Jurisdiction First Declared 1st Tamuz 5779 and Claimed 29th of Kislev 5780.
Location: Planet Jupiter; Region of Jupiter; Satellites & Outer Rings; The Bright and Morning Star.
Founder: Yeshua Ben Yosef ("Jesus of Nazareth"; Circa. 1st Century AD).
Head of State: Yeshua Ben Yosef.
Authority: Davidic "Key of the House of David" Kislev 5780, Signs in Scripture 5780 (Divine Law: Torah, Tanahk, New Testament); and/or Davidic-Plantagenet.
Co-Founder: Adam (Ben Adam/Son of Jesse) in Hebrew Year 5779.
Balance of Power: 1. Executive 2. Legislative 3. Theocratic + Judiciary 4. Public Unit of Account.
Citizenship: Not applicable to Public Law. Civil Law shall only be applicable in Commercial Law within the jurisdiction.
Population: Sovereign/s and/or Members of the Jurisdiction and Jupiter II Society ("Population, Community, People") shall be recognized as "Natural Persons" and/or "Sovereign Residents In Common".
Date Declared: 1st Century AD (Circa. 96 AD/CE) on the Island of Patmos, Greece; and, 1st Tamuz 5779 ("4th July 2019")
Consideration: Decentralized Sovereign Currency
Treasury: Basket Reserve of Currencies or Money held in perpetual transparent Public Trust.
Territory: Region of Jupiter, Capital Europa Galilean Moon (Jupiter II) Terra Nova.
Political System: Theocratic [Monotheistic] Constitutional Republic with Legislation Bills and/or New Laws to receive mandate only by "Direct Democracy". Europa Jupiter II is Anti-communist.
Economic System: Capitalism (Free Market Competition in Goods, Services & publically-determined Unit of Account)
Legal System: 1. Public Law: Divine Law, Hebrew Common Law; 2. Commercial Law: Greco-Roman Law restricted to Commercial Law only.
Religion: Monotheism Judaism, Christianity & Islam
Languages: English, Hebrew, Arabic.
Calendar/Time: 1. Hebrew Calendar (Primary) 2. Gregorian Calendar (Secondary)
Foreign Policy: Recognizes the "State of Israel"; Recognizes Israel as combined Government and Monarchy and/or CommonWealth; Recognizes the Sovereign Jurisdiction of Greece.
Foreign Trade: 1% - 10% International Fiat Currency Treasury Reserve held in Israeli Shekel.
Taxation: 10% Goods and Services Tax; 20% Business/Commercial Income Tax.
Bill of Rights: 3-Part, "Bill of Rights": 1. UDHR 1948, 2. The EUROPA JUPITER II Constitution, 3. UDHR C21st.
Rights & Freedoms: Inalienable and Natural Rights, Free Speech, Freedom of the Press, and Property Rights are recognized & protected.

To read the original declarations, please click here.